Tips for Electrically Safer Homes

Signs for Bad Electrical Wiring in the House

Tips for Electrically Safer Homes

Electricity is truly a boon to civilization. However, there are several wrong steps we keep taking that put our safety at risk when working with electricity. To ensure the safety of you and your loved ones, Electrogrip is here with tips to make your homes more electrically safe. 

Electrogrip is a chemical earthing manufacturer in Kolkata. We also specialize in ESE Lightning Protection System, and Backfill Compound, and also provide free chemical earthing.

Let’s get started with tips for electrically safer homes!

  1. Keep electrical appliances away from water
Everything to know about Electric Shorts

Water and electricity are not the safest combinations. Make sure that your electrical appliances are away from water to prevent any damage and to keep you and your family safe. 

  1. Stop overloading outlets
Tips for an electrically safer homes

Instead of plugging multiple extensions in an outlet which can lead to overloading and can literally cause several implications to your safety, consider installing additional outlets if need be as overloading can lead to melted connections or even spark an electrical fire.

  1. Regular Electrical Inspection
Tips for an electrically safer homes

Get a professional electrician for a regular electrical inspection of your house. This will help in updating the electrical system and wiring of your house. If you have an older house, electrical inspection becomes even more necessary as with an older house comes older electrical panels and wiring. 

  1. Change Flickering Lights
Cost Reducing Electrical Tips

Flickering lights are bad news. If you have multiple lights in your home that flicker, that might be an indication that the wiring in your house is not grounded, and that your using more electricity than the electricity panel can accommodate. This is extremely hazardous to the safety of your house.

  1. Bathroom Safety

It is definitely not a good idea to use electrical appliances such as hair dryers, hair straighteners, and hair curlers when in the bathroom while showering or using the bathtub. Additionally, make sure that these appliances are unplugged and stored properly in a dry place when not in use.

  1. Check cords
Tips for an electrically safer homes

If you have cords that are old, frayed, or damaged, avoid using them or trying to fix them with tape as exposed wiring just screams danger. Consider replacing such cords with newer ones to ensure the safety of the house.


We hope that the above blog on tips for electrically safer homes helps you have a safer home and be safe from any electrical hazards.

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