Signs of Bad Electrical Wiring in the House

Signs of Bad Electrical Wiring in the House

Signs of Bad Electrical Wiring in the House

Faulty electrical wiring is a large reason for several housing accidents. There are several telltale signs that one fails to notice about bad electrical wiring. Before we discuss these signs, let’s learn what faulty electrical wiring is.

What is Faulty Electrical Wiring?

Faulty wiring means there is either damage to the wires, or incorrect voltage running through them. This could result from an electrician cutting corners on safety, wires that have deteriorated with age, or wires damaged by rodents. In any case, it’s essential to keep an eye out for signs of bad electrical wiring. Let us now discuss few signs of bad electrical wiring in the house.

5 Signs of Bad Wiring in a House

Below are a few tell-tale signs of bad wiring in a house that can also result in an electrical fire breaking out. The signs are as following:-

  1. Frequently tripping circuit breakers- It’s not uncommon for breakers to trip. That is exactly why we have them—to stop the flow of electricity when the circuit is overloaded. However, if breakers are frequently tripping, the first step is to reduce the number of devices plugged into the circuit. The next step is to replace the circuit breaker. If neither of those measures resolves the issue, the wiring should be inspected to avoid a fire hazard. It is also possible the circuit is simply overwhelmed by too many high-energy devices.
  1. Fluctuating lights- Keep an eye out for lights that fluctuate, buzz, or dim. When you plug in an appliance and the lights dim, this is a sign the electrical current is not flowing properly. Listen for any light switches that buzz when you turn them on—this is another big red flag.
  1. Hot electrical outlets- Because faulty wiring sends too much electricity to outlets, keep an eye out for hot, darkened, or scorched electrical outlets. This could be an indication that there is an energy leak heating up the wires and the outlet. This surge of electricity could fry appliances, or—if severe—could cause an electrical fire. 
  1. Frayed or chewed wiring- If you notice frayed or chewed wiring, the concern should ideally go beyond rodents in the house. When the protective plastic covering is broken, exposing the wires inside, the electrical circuit is open. This allows electricity to arc, which can cause dangerous electrical shocks and fire.
  1. Burning or smoky smell. If you smell burning or melting plastic near an outlet, the wiring has already caused fire damage. Unplug everything from the outlet and immediately contact a licensed electrician to inspect the wiring.

About Electrogrip

Signs for Bad Electrical Wiring in the House

Electrogrip is a chemical earthing manufacturer in Kolkata. We also specialize in ESE Lightning Protection System, and Backfill Compound, and also provide free chemical earthing.

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