Cost Reducing Electrical Tips

Cost Reducing Electrical Tips

Ever looked at your electricity bill and gasped in shock, wondering why it’s so high? Most people have. While you may think that you’re only using electricity when required, there might be a lot of things that you’re overlooking which is the reason why you have such a high utility bill. 

Wondering how to solve this problem?  Don’t worry, Electrogrip has your back!

 Electrogrip is a chemical earthing manufacturer in Kolkata. We specialize in ESE Lightning Protection System, and lightning arresters, and also provide free chemical earthing. We deal with all sorts of earthing and lightning products and ensure your safety. 

We have specially created a list of cost-reducing electrical tips just for you. 

Let’s check them out!

  1. Turn out lights and appliances when not in use
Cost Reducing Electrical Tips

Let’s get obvious out of the way. Your parents must have told you time and again when you were a child to switch off the lights when you get out of your room and to not open the fridge for too long. And, it is only now that as a working adult, you realize the importance of that. Switching off the lights and appliances when not in use is the most practical and easiest way to cut back on your electricity bill. 

  1. Switch to LED Lights
Cost Reducing Electrical Tips

Switch from bulbs to LED Lights which are energy efficient, long-lasting, and easy to install. On average, you can save up to 90%  of electricity costs with LED lights. They are also known to light better than normal bulbs and thus you may require less number of LED lights to light up your space.

  1. Change your AC air filters more often
Cost Reducing Electrical Tips

Changing AC filters can be another way to reduce your utility bill. Clogged AC filters require more energy to push air through the system. However, changing it can be fruitful as it can lead to less energy consumption and in turn cost you less. Apart from this, changing the AC filter can also increase the quality of the air in your house and give you better temperature control.

  1. Prevent ‘Phantom Energy’

Phantom Energy is the energy that is still being used by appliances that have remained plugged into the outlet. Unplugging such appliances would not only cut down your electricity bill but also save electricity as these appliances continue to draw in energy when plugged in.

  1. Schedule an Electrical Inspection
regular electrical inspection

Just like the apps you use on your phone, your house’s electrical system needs regular updates. Getting an electrical inspection done can be a good way to figure out the updates and repairs required by your house’s electrical system. This can make the system energy efficient and also prevent any electrical mishaps.


We hope that the above-mentioned cost-reducing electrical tips are beneficial for you and your house. For more information, check out our other blogs!

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