Why does a Light Bulb Explode ?

Why does a light bulb explode

Why does a Light Bulb Explode ?

Light bulbs can blow suddenly which can be extremely shocking. Burned-out light bulbs are an annoying inconvenience, but they usually have a simple fix. Exploding light bulbs can indicate a more serious problem that can require immediate attention. Electrogrip is here to tell why a light bulb explodes.

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Let’s take a look at some of the most common reasons why a light bulb explodes. 

  • Lack of Insulation at the Base of the Bulb
    Sometimes, light bulb manufacturers don’t use enough insulation in the light bulb base. A lack of insulation at the base of a light bulb will cause the metal base to melt. The gas stored in the bulb can leak out when the base melts. The leaking gas causes a pressure imbalance which can result in the light bulb exploding.
  • Loose Connection in the Socket
    A loose connection between the bulb and the socket can also be a reason for a bulb exploding. A loose connection causes the electricity to jump across the contact rather than flow through it. This can lead to the fitting becoming overheated, which can cause the bulb to blow or explode. The solution to such a problem is to tighten light bulbs in their sockets until they fit in the socket.
  • Mismatched Bulb Wattage
    Did you know that light fixtures are designed to operate with light bulbs with certain wattage ratings? It is true! If a bulb exceeds its fixture’s wattage limit, then the fixture can overheat, putting the bulb at risk of exploding. The recommended light bulb wattage for your light fixture should be printed on the label on the side of the socket.
  • Oil From Your Hands
    When you touch a bulb with your hands, you probably don’t consider that the oil from your skin could cause a light bulb to explode. Halogen bulbs are susceptible to skin oils. When a halogen bulb is switched on, the oil you leave on the surface heats up and creates a hot spot. As the oil continues to heat up, cracks can start to appear, which can then lead to gas leaking out of the bulb.

The leaked gas can eventually cause the light bulb to explode. If you see cracks in a light bulb, turn off the fixture and remove the bulb quickly and carefully.


We hope that the above reasons for why a bulb explodes are able to answer your curious mind of its questions. For more such blogs visit here https://electrogrip.in/blog/

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